Welcome! We are St. John’s Episcopal Church, located on 400 Humphrey Street in the heart of New Haven, Connecticut.
Join us in person or online for our 10:30 a.m. Sunday Service. All are welcome!
We’re Hiring!
St. John’s is currently seeking a part-time Priest-in-Charge.
Our Commitments

The Good News
We are committed to living the biblical message of God’s redeeming love for humanity in Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are committed to being a welcoming, obedient, and flourishing church that loves and serves God and one another.

Justice and Mercy
We are committed to acting in accordance with our core belief that all human beings are created in God’s image, have infinite value, and are dearly beloved of God (see Micah 6:8 Commitment).

We are committed to being a community of prayer, both as individuals and in our common life, seeking healing and repair in our relationships and broader community.

Creation Care
We are committed to being faithful stewards of God’s creation.

Children and Youth
We are committed to nurturing our children and youth in the knowledge and love of God (see programs for children and youth).
Recent Sermons
At St. John’s, we firmly believe in sharing the gift of preaching. Check out past sermons from our members!