We are seeking a new Priest-in-Charge
Paul Smith
Originally trained in chemistry and physics at Harvard and Caltech, Paul left academia to pursue a call to ministry. He joined InnerChange (a Christian order among the poor), moved into a marginalized immigrant neighborhood in Los Angeles, and came alongside local leaders to help them transform their community. After many years in Los Angeles, Paul relocated to New Haven, where he works on InnerChange’s Staff Formation and Care Teams, tutors math and science, and serves as Pastoral Associate at St. John’s.
Paul is trained as a spiritual director, coach and Immanuel Prayer facilitator. He loves helping people connect with Jesus. He is passionate about the unity of the body of Christ, and about the active, living presence of God. Paul is a widower. He can often be found outdoors, hiking and looking for birds.
Annette Dronyi
Annette Kalimuzo Dronyi was raised in East Africa and trained as a lawyer in the United Kingdom, Annette’s immigrant story to the United States was a long and winding journey. Primarily a homemaker looking after three children for the first few decades, she now lives in New Haven with her daughter. To mark this new chapter in the second half of her life, she has fulfilled a “bucket list” wish to write and publish an indigenous origin story. It is called A Barren Woman Had A Son and was written under her nom de plume, “Annette Mukakigeri.” Annette has a heart for prayer ministry and community.
Ken Ollison
Sexton: The words “sexton” and “sacristan” both derive from the Medieval Latin word sacristanus, meaning “custodian of sacred objects.” A sexton is a functionary of a church, charged with the maintenance of its building and surrounding grounds. Historically, they were responsible for the order and upkeep of the house of worship, including the care of the church buildings, its furnishings, and sacred relics, used in the liturgy and other public acts of worship.