We are a church whose worship, communal life, and outreach to the New Haven and university communities are inspired by the Biblical message of God’s redeeming love for humanity in Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Our vision is to grow and be formed in the image of Christ, to be a welcoming, loving, obedient and flourishing church that loves God and serves one another. We exist to be the presence of Christ in our neighborhood, and a blessing to the nations. We are committed to the work of racial healing, reconciliation, and justice.
We are Episcopal
As members of the Episcopal Church of the U.S.A. and the worldwide Anglican Communion, we affirm orthodox Christian faith as revealed in Scripture and summarized in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds. Our corporate worship follows the Book of Common Prayer.
We are Evangelical
We are theologically evangelical. We affirm Scripture as God’s authoritative Word in all matters pertaining to salvation. We affirm the importance of personal faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, coupled with a commitment to growth in Christian discipleship according to the Holy Spirit. We seek to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed.
We are Ecumenical
All baptized Christian believers are invited to join us in Holy Communion at the Lord’s Table. Our worship and fellowship are enriched by many different Christian traditions.