Is childcare provided?
Most Sundays we offer childcare for infants. Children aged 3-10 are invited to Children’s Chapel during the service. We also enjoy having infants in the service. However, parents are welcome to use the nursery in the back of the church when needed. A computer is provided so they can listen to the service via the Zoom link.
Where can I park?
Parking is available along Humphrey St. and Orange St. near the church.
Masking & COVID Policy
Masking is optional at St. John’s. However, to protect the vulnerable, we request that those who currently have symptoms join us online and those who have recently been ill or exposed to COVID wear masks.
400 Humphrey St
New Haven, CT 06511
Our worship services follow liturgies from the Book of Common Prayer. Our style is both traditional, incorporating ancient prayers, choral anthems, and hymns accompanied by the organ, and contemporary, incorporating newer worship songs…
Show MoreOur worship services follow liturgies from the Book of Common Prayer. Our style is both traditional, incorporating ancient prayers, choral anthems, and hymns accompanied by the organ, and contemporary, incorporating newer worship songs.
We are committed to diverse musical expressions as we seek to honor a richly creative God. We are also committed to worshipping together across different styles, reaffirming the unity of the body of Christ. Therefore, our musical style varies widely even within a single service, and on any given Sunday you might hear the choir accompanied by the organ, a soloist accompanied by the guitar, the accordion, or even the djembe!
What to Expect
Zoom Service/In-Person Gathering
Our Zoom service follows the typical Order of Service as outlined below. The liturgy and link for this service are shared weekly through our email list.
Both the in-person service and Zoom service meet at 10:30 am.
Before Service
When you walk into the church, you will be welcomed by a Greeter and receive a copy of our bulletin. The bulletin contains most of what we will be praying, saying, and hearing during service. Please feel free to participate and follow along as you are able.
Order of Service
We begin with an opening hymn, which is followed by a series of prayers and readings. The readings, or the lectionary, include two readings, a Psalm, and a Gospel lesson. Because the Gospels often include Jesus’ very words, or words that proclaim the stories of His life, it is customary to stand during the Gospel lesson, out of reverence. A short sermon follows the reading of the Gospel lesson. We then recite the creed, pray together, and receive an offering. After this, we receive Holy Eucharist and close with a final hymn.
Holy Eucharist
The core of our service is Holy Communion, also known as the Eucharist. This sacrament derives from the supper that Jesus held with his disciples on the night before his arrest and crucifixion. Upon invitation from the priest, the congregation walks up to the front of the church and kneels at the altar rail as they are able, receiving the consecrated bread in cupped hands. After receiving the wafer, you will be offered the wine. You are welcome to dip your wafer in the wine, drink from the chalice directly, or decline the cup. (paragraph break)
Communion is open to all baptized Christians. If you are not baptized or do not wish to receive the Eucharist, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing. When you kneel at the altar rail, place your arms across your chest.
After Service
After the service is over, we gather in the Parish Hall for a delightful and fabulous Fellowship Hour.*